2021 Storyboard reel/絵コンテデモ


2018 Animation and Layout reel/作画デモ

2016 'Ethel and Ernest'

2015 'O2 Make them Giants' reel

2015 'Simon's cat off to the vet' reel

2014 'The Prophet' reel

2013 'Anime Mirai: Death Billiards' reel/『アニメミライ デス•ビリヤード』作画デモ

2012 'The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki' reel/『おおかみこどもの雨と雪』作画デモ

2011 'The Dreaming Machine' reel/『夢みる機械』原画デモ

2010 'The Illusionist' reel/『イリュージョニスト』原画デモ 

2005 Graduation film 'Wooden Island'/卒業作品『Wooden Island』